Student Opportunities 101

Making Student Opportunities induction easier.

Here’s some things we know about working in Student Opportunities:

  • You need to know a bit about a lot of things.

  • You’re a volunteer manager, but also a risk assessor, event planner, project coordinator and you need to know a bit about governance and democracy, too.

  • Summer is the best and worst time for getting things done.

If you’re reading this nodding along, the course isn’t for you.

We’ve designed Student Opportunities 101 to help newbies in Student Opportunities to find their feet and be able to nod along, too.

It’s for Student Opportunities staff who are new to students’ unions, but it would also be helpful for a manager or CEO coming from another part of students’ union life (like commercial, or student voice) who wants to get to know Student Opps a bit better. It would also be helpful for new sabbatical officers with the caveat that some of the detail will be staff responsibility.

We want to help with everyone’s understanding of:

  • what Student Opportunities actually are

  • what’s happening in the sector that impacts Student Opportunities

  • what working in Student Opportunities is actually like

And we wanted to create training that was accessible at any time, as you need it.

That’s why we’ve created Student Opportunities 101 and chosen to work with SU Skills. The platform allows learners to log in at any time and access the course whenever they like over a 12-month window.

As a little add-on, we’re hosting digital meet ups over the year for learners who have completed Student Opportunities 101 to meet others and create your Student Opportunities network.

You can be one of the first students’ unions to sign up!