Anti-racist Student Opportunities

Thank you to everyone for contributions and ideas for this training. It’s now ready for booking!

Find out more on our Services page.

1000s of students get involved with Student Opportunities every month across the UK. Student Opportunities are how many students get involved with their students’ union and many Sabbatical Officers start their journey through sports, societies, volunteering, fundraising, and media. 

Students’ Unions do fantastic work supporting Student Opportunities, providing training and making sure spaces are safe and the people involved are having great experiences. We want Student Opportunities to be anti-racist spaces and for the people involved to be actively anti-racist. 

That’s why we’ve teamed up and have started investigating what we can do together. We’d like to offer a training opportunity that develops Student Opportunities, supporting the people involved to be anti-racist. 

We have some ideas about how we’ll do this, but we’d love to hear from you about two things:

  1. Who should we work with?  

  2. What training model? 

We know that staff, Sabbatical Officers and student leaders are all crucial in making Student Opportunities anti-racist. We don’t know if it would be more useful for us to design a training offer that is aimed at staff, Officers or students (society and club committees, volunteers, student fundraisers, student media). 

Our other decision is about whether to deliver direct training or a train the trainer model, where we train the participants to deliver anti-racism training themselves. 

Help us decide! 

What would interest you the most? Which model would benefit your SU right now? 

We’ve created this short survey to capture your feedback. Please complete this and share with others who may be interested. We will be closing the survey on 4th December. 

After that, we will review the feedback and design the programme. We’re hoping to get it ready for bookings in early 2021.

Thanks - Osaro Otobo (Make Diversity Count) & Rosie Hunnam (Organised Fun)